Otto Puzzle,
I have been heavily involved in the Tucker Conv at the Tucker club forums, we were the others. as mentioned, and John from Nebo in the ESPN talks, newspapers and in other commentaries, we were the ones originally purchasing the infamous Tucker Convertible.
We picked up our marbles and walked after several hundred hours of research !!!!
I am not new to differences and thoughts of who did what and when, I learned a lot..
A person on the Tucker site brought forth info about Gordon Buehrigs design of the pop open headlamps.
I am still researching the facts, it may be though, as we mentioned above, that Gordon changed his headlights in his patented design to what Bens styling was on the Harris car. Others agree that the patents are not what was the final product appeared as in Gordon's creation.
We shall see what else surfaces.
The reason it even came up on the Tucker site; Seems Alex Tremulis may have borrowed some of Bens ideas in some of his later famous designs,
A very beautiful car, Alex designed, was going to auction, it was posted on the site, other designs of his were also shown, thats when the comparisons showed up.
You must realize that Alex was a mere 19-20 years old when he was affilated with Gordon at ACD, this all occured when Ben was creating his car and Cord himself was pictured with it in a magazine in a finished state.
Go figure, huh >>>.
I do not say Futuristic car, as I have never been able to get true definitions to write or describe the car in detail for histories sake.
What is it Otto Puzzell , how do you write about it, futuristic, custom, concept, streamliner or all combined ?
Is there a singular car, built back then, that innovated so much into one design, and then carried over to modern day in various fashions, size, weights, engine, simplified fwd, aero dynamics etc?
How do you write about Ben?
The people he ran with?
How do you write about Biggs and how the Harris even got there?
How do you write about it gracing the front cover of the NY International Shows brochure> beating all manufactures for that prestigous right?
I marvel, to this day, at how he flat broke away from everybodies thoughts, how he combined innovations>old and new> and then set out to create a new design and car in almost all fashion, all wrapped up into one astounding car, > 74 years ago.
Did he unknowingly create what was to come and did it happen, how do you write about it without seemingly being arogant

Is there another car in the History books, that brought soooooo much forward at one time, how in the hell do you write about it

Is it best as a book, we so much desire to have the "complete" story told for Ben.
I am supposed to be sending an article on Bens car to Road and Track magazine and others as well as" here".
I made contact with the main person, very nice gentleman, from Road and track.
He is fascinated with the car and even more astounded that the magazine covered it in 4 pages in 1953, roughly 3 months after Road and Track went public.
Fifty six years later, it will return to grace their pages as well as here.
Ironically, a retro article, something seldom done, appeared in my new Road and Track magazine I received today, it's an article and photos of the 1938 Audi race car next to the agressive new Audi..
Do truly appreciate your comments as well as others and I desire to learn and research more so I can truly finish my work on this very special car, 22 years of research is enough. Today I finally got to the person that controls much of the archive records of the SCCA.
As I think I mentioned, Ben hosted and started SCCA racing in Illinois, just think, the wacky arnolt bristols and more racing at his events, his ties are astonishing, even sat for dinner with Roosevelt. Hopefully the archives will give me and document what I need to finish another chapter for Ben and his car.
The caretaker of Bens creation,
What a nightmare