Started as a private collection, 'Lenrezerv' now has grown to become a museum, patriotic and historic club and school and others.
Unfortunately by some reasons it has no museum status yet and is open to visitors just twice a year or by preliminary agreement for schools and other organized groups, and that's not easy.
The exposition is located in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, and I hope you will enjoy with some my photos made there in year 2018.
001, 002: Krupp 'Protze' L2H143, this one was probably used byEstonian army right before WW2.
003, 004: 1941 Packard 180. These cars were used as styling inspiration for soviet ZIS-110 limousines.
005, 009: ~1938 Packard.
006, 007, 008: 1937-39 Opel Admiral Gläser cabriolet.