Author Topic: In The Spotlight: Charlie O by KarnUtz  (Read 9373 times)

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In The Spotlight: Charlie O by KarnUtz
« on: October 24, 2006, 12:40:02 AM »

Charlie and his Goat

In this instalment of “In The Spotlight”, we Q&A with AutoPuzzles co-founder and forum creator/admin/programmer Ultra, AKA Charlie O.

Charlie may be familiar to some of you who have read his posts here and on other car boards, engaged him in a game of online chess (which I don’t think he's ever lost), enjoyed the sounds coming from his Lachine Machine studio, or enjoyed one of his pizzas at the Northern Lower-Peninsula favourite eating establishment, Charlie O’s Pizzeria. I sat down with Charlie (virtually) recently and asked him about his love of cars. Here’s what he had to say:

AP:  Tell us about yourself and when you became interested in cars?
Charlie: I am 39 years old and live in NE lower Michigan.  When I was a toddler, my interest was already documented by my family.

AP:  What was your first car?

Charlie:  1973 Plymouth Fury Gran Coupe

AP:  What is your daily driver?

Charlie:  2004 GTO

AP:  What classic(s) or special cars do you currently have?

Charlie:  The GTO.  I have also restored a 1974 Dodge Challenger in the past.

AP:  What made you choose to buy them?

Charlie:  Car Crazy

AP:  Have you ever just missed buying a particular car, and lived to regret it?

Charlie:  No.

AP:  What would be your dream car?

Charlie:  One that was immune to tickets.

AP:  Which car do you regret having parted company with?

Charlie:  The Challenger

AP:  What is your favorite drive in your classic or special car?

Charlie:  Harbor Springs to Leg's Inn on M-119

AP:  How much work on your car(s) do you carry out yourself?

Charlie:  Not much anymore.  Time is too precious.

AP:  What do you carry with you go out in your car(s)?

Charlie:  Wine Opener.

AP:  Do you get involved in the club scene, and why?

Charlie:  Not anymore.  Too political

AP:  Do you take an interest in motor sport, and if so where is your favorite venue(s)/club meeting(s)?

Charlie:  F1 is my main motorsport interest.

AP:  What is your worst memory involving a car?

Charlie:  When my mother's 1975 Mercury Bobcat station wagon, orange, caught fire in front of my high school with me driving it.

AP:  What is your funniest memory involving a car?

Charlie:  The 1973 Honda Civic that I took ownership of, for a quarter ounce of weed.

AP:  What is your most enjoyable moment involving a car?

Charlie:  Escaping pursuit.

AP:  Best road food?

Charlie:  Cannolis

AP:  How would you define a ‘classic’?

Charlie:  A vehicle that inspires desire, regardless of age.

AP:  What in your opinion, is the worst car regarded as a ‘classic’ and why?

Charlie:  Fox body Mustangs.  I don't understand what the desire is that some feel.

AP:  What in your view will be a future classic?

Charlie:  The modern GTO

AP:  What question would you like to ask and who to?

Charlie:  I would like to ask GWB if he ever drives anymore.

AP:  What car publications / car websites do you regularly read?

“Honi soit qui mal y pense”

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Re: In The Spotlight: Charlie O by KarnUtz
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2006, 01:30:45 PM »
The visualization I have of the Bobcat issue got me giggling as much as that bag of weed probably would have....


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Re: In The Spotlight: Charlie O by KarnUtz
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2006, 01:34:12 PM »
The visualization I have of the Bobcat issue got me giggling as much as that bag of weed probably would have....


Every bus leaving the school that afternoon stopped long enough for every kid on the bus to see my car.  The next day at school was very special.  ::)

It was shitty weed, too!  8)

“Honi soit qui mal y pense”

Click the pic....... Name the car

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Re: In The Spotlight: Charlie O by KarnUtz
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2006, 03:16:39 PM »
Every bus leaving the school that afternoon stopped long enough for every kid on the bus to see my car.  The next day at school was very special.  ::)

It was shitty weed, too!  8)

Speaking of funny occurances in the high school parking lot, one of my peers managed to crash his Ford Tempo into the short bus. That was comedic irony at its very best... when I hear his name, that's still all I think of.