the existing treasurer went slightly bonkers as he thought there was a coup being organised against him.AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHH! That's beautiful!

Sounds a lot like running a website. Ask me how I know......

In the 70's, I was very active with a local car club. We held 8 rallies a year and 8 autocrosses. I organized my entire life around those events. It was great fun. But the curtain falls and time passes and now I find that there are almost no clubs left that do that sort of thing. Those that do exist are only interested in foliage tours and pot luck suppers and such. SU carburetor beauty contests are high on the list as well. Liability and insurance issues make it almost impossible to find a location that will allow an autocross short of an actual race track anymore. And short of SCCA competition, no one seems to want to just go out for a nice TSD rally event that doesn't involve computers, GPS and flyovers by the Blue Angels at the start. Most folks today wouldn't know a Curta Calculator - aka peppermill - if it bit them!

There is an old expression that in every organization, 20% of the people do 80% of the work. But that gets refined even further that of that 20% who do
something, only 20% of those do the real heavy lifting. Which means that if you have 50 members, only 2 (20% or 20%) are actually doing anything at all. The rest just show up for the beer. Or the bangers and mashed!

Which pretty much seems to describe your experience!