Finally starting to show some visible brake dust/road grime build up on the BMW. It's also suppose to rain on Tue, first time since I detailed the car and applied the wheel sealants. Pictures to come on that one.
Thanksgiving is in a few days (happy Thanksgiving to all, and happy Thursday to everyone who doesnt' observe our world wide mis-understanding that our American celebrations MUST include everyone who isn't American also. Actually, I take that back, yeah, happy Thanksgiving to you all too. If you don't like our happy Thanksgiving and choose not to celebrate it, screw you and we'll send over a special ops force just to make sure you change your mind. Don't worry, you won't know what hit you, and neither will the Turkey.)
This all leads me into my latest with my Audi. My dash warning system told me my front left parking light was out. A set of clear Osrams were picked up for about $5. Now, the left bulb was the simplest to replace. Not so the right. Tho it wasn't burnt out, I decided to replace it anyway, because I like to make my life unusually difficult and hard when it doesn't need to be.
In the case of gaining access to the right parking bulb, I had to remove the lower grill section around the fog/driving light, lay on the driveway and do the biggest reach-around of my life while threading my arm up an impossibly small access hole. It was a bitch.
Popped the light forward and presto chango.
Here's where Thanksgiving comes in. My father lives off an amazing two lane highway that travels up the American River Canyon. For reference it's Marshall Grade (highway 193). At one point in this roads life, it was used for hillclimbs by the SCCA-Sacramento chapter. Someone ran off the cliff, and when some one dies in America, then lawyers get very happy, become your mother's in the end, and life changes for ever afterwards.
As I'm changing the parking bulbs in the Audi, with the lower grills splayed out, I thought I might be able to mount my digital camera in one of the grills. And sure enough, using the aiming off the right driving light, the camera is afforded a unique vantage point. I'm working on a attachment rig as I write this using rollbar padding, velcro mace straps and perhaps some magical thinking.
Nevertheless, checking with YouTube, my account there will be able to upload from my SD card off the camera, once I stick the card in my media reader in my computer.
The video will be rough, no doubt about it, and I may even loose my camera, but I'm all for chancing that outcome for the entertainment of you. It's a big risk, I know, because one time while canyon carving, a red-neck mutherfuckersonofabitch ran me off my all time top road, sending me through a fence and into a cow pasture and well, that's how I now have my Audi....instead of an M-Edition Miata with lots of aftermarket suspension and roll bar install....which I did myself.
But I digress.
Long-story short. I'm rigging up my digital camera with a 4gb SD card, using one of the bumper openings in my Audi. I'll will video the drive up Marshall Grade between Lotus and Georgetown CA. on highway 193. I'll then upload that to my YouTube account and post a link here. If the above does not occure: two possiblities: 1) I ran over my camera or 2) I came upon a rednecksonfamutherfucker who again waited for me to pass, sped up, and ran me off the road again.
Trust me, this will be fun.