AutoPuzzles - The Internet's Museum of Rare Cars!
AutoPuzzles Today => Features, Stories and Photos => Featured Imagery => Topic started by: Ray B. on August 26, 2010, 12:08:08 PM
Not a puzzle, and no information requested.
Only picture of oddballs for the sake of it.
Lett's start with this one found on Shorpy.
No need to ask what it is. The picture was pobably posted by this man's son or grandson, and he just as probably built the car himself. Or it was his cousin or brother in law. It's nice, that's all.
Wouldn't you love to have had a dad like that?
Same designer, perhaps?
We should call these two "Flathead fun!"
A couple more
Wow! The last one is nice. I particularly appreciate the use of whitewall tires and luxurious wheelcovers on these things.
Something for the GT set.
If the expression "boxy design" didn't exist yet, it would be time to invent it.
That was submitted to a British SVA Station for testing to make it road legal....
I will try and find the link to more pictures.
This one employs some interesting materials and construction technique
I always say: who cares for the appearance of the rest, as long as the whitewall tires are perfect?
I don't know a darned thing about this one, I just want to share it.
Lovely! (and fits my 20 inches screen better than your last one).
This one employs some interesting materials and construction technique
I've never seen a car where the seets are the main styling feature of the cars.
And A pillars direct from the local hardware store.
Otto hasn't been the heart and soul of this site so long for nothing!
..... :-X
Cool indeed. That anonymous Citroën looks quite voisinesque to me.
You right on the Voisin part. That's the only info I remember that was added by this picture,is that he tried to built is own.
Licence plate is registered as a Citroën, so that is probably the base
Could be ''Any Car''
I think I remember seeing the above Any Car in a 1970s magazine add.
I think I remember seeing the above Any Car in a 1970s magazine add.
I've absolutly no idea how or where I got this, or if it even extisted. Nice and very anonymous to me ;)
How about this:
Make and model designation of this car and who is that coachbuilder? ;D
A buggy (maniacal giggling after 3:30 mark):
A Steamer:
Otto hasn't been the heart and soul of this site so long for nothing!
A front-engine bathtub Porsche?
front-engine bathtub Rollls Roys
I am not sure that the last three are really anonymous (meaning that more infos, such as the name of their builder, was maybe available where they've been found).
Am I right?
Back on topic
No points? ::) :D
This is not a puzzle board, I'm sure that you've noticed.
Low budget, for sure. :D
I'm loving this thread.
That jacked up home built rock hauler is perfection for a 2WD. I love it!
Anyone know what it is?
This one, like the first two of the thread, are close to the quintessential idea of it, if I may say so.
Another handful
Decidedly a great concentration of gems in this topic!
Yes indeed. I was planning to post two of those :-\
Back on topic
whcgt, are you 100% sure this is/was a Falcon/Ranchero?
The hood tells me otherwize, unless it's Brazilian or something.
P.S., that tube trike is amazing!!!
whcgt didn't post that. It's a Russian home-made truck based on a Zaparozhets. But what they were, and who built them, is antithetical to this thread, so I'll stop.
Back on topic:
Another group. Enjoy!
Last bunch for today
Fantastic, Otto!
This a bigfoot :D
Saturday morning anonymity
Damn! I can't applause to every new batch posted here!
N° 27 seems to be the ultimate in the low profile tire craze (a new thread which I considered starting once, when I felt grumpy, would have been titled "How to disgrace your classic or oldtimer with a set of low profile tires").
A few anons from my database.....
Number #3 ;D
Top Gear's Hammerhead-i Eagle!
Number #3 ;D
Top Gear's Hammerhead-i Eagle!
Thanks Joao - I don't get Top Gear here in France and I didn't know its identity.
The first one is... weird :D
I'm not sure if has really been build or if it's a photoshop job. Your N°4 is my favorite.
I'm not sure if has really been build or if it's a photoshop job. Your N°4 is my favorite.
No.1 - I agree must a photoshop job - it just looks too........? to be real.
No.2 - Photo taken near Southend, Essex in the 1970s. (it was the subject of one of my puzzles recently)
No.3 - Now identified thanks to Joao
No.4 - Mini-based I believe although I have no more information.
From Bavaria
A few more
Oh, I love that thread !
Sorry, guys, but I'm not sure that all puzzlers fully understand the spirit of this topic.
Quick course adjustment.
An oldie but a goody.
Moments of pure joy.
Anonymous, and proud
Miscellanea in anonymity
;D ;D ;D
Dim dem dam lights!
Arkansas, 1955.
In the third picture, the owner, well assorted with the car.
Hey Brandine! Lookie - my picture's on the intrawebs!
Interesting usage of a truck cab - poor animal!
Drive by wire!
Candy bar!
"Dude, what did you mean by saying you locked him in the trunk?"
Another sprinkling of anonymity
One more
An old one:
Time for more
How to improve a Morris Minor
A few from my "Ugly Kustoms" folder:
1: Either the results of a crash between a 57 Chevy and a 74 Nova or a case of extremely poor taste and two parts cars made into one.
2, 3, 4: This 66 Barracuda (well, that's what it started out as) seems to have a bad case of "Rococo mold" growing on it.
5: Apparently someone tried to build a TASCO replica from a 72 Riviera.
6: The builder should have continued collecting Hot Wheels cars instead of trying to duplicate one in 1:1 scale.
7: Another unfortunate consequence of inbreeding. 59 Caddy fins on a Mustang just don't work. The front isn't any better.
8: I just don't understand. Maybe there was more use of blotter acid in the 70s than I thought.
I'm diggin' that "cuda
Great stuff!
I especially like the headlights area in the Barracuda.
The cross breedings (Nova/57Chevy and Mustang 59 Caddy) also deeply appeal to me.
And you're right: they all seem to scream that question: "WHY?", like the mongrels in Dr Moreau's Island.
I actually don't mind that last one, and I'm sure we've seen it somewhere on AP before?
It looks familiar to me, too. But I can't place it...
I actually don't mind that last one, and I'm sure we've seen it somewhere on AP before?
Definetely. :scratch:
Opels converted to tractors can be fun, too.
A coupla spin-offs from the Olds Tornado puzzle:
The first 3 photos are shots I did of a "thing" that was in a motel parking lot in Mesquite, Nv. I came out of my room one morning and saw that beast and feared I'd been surrounded by agents from "Men in Black."
A couple of weeks later, I found that it was a "Tornado Intercept Vehicle" built by IMAX director Sean Casey to be used to create an IMAX movie and used on a tv show, "Storm Chasers." Since I watch very little tv, I wasn't familiar with it at all. It was based on a Ford F450 (or maybe 350) truck platform.
Then 2nd triad of images is shots of the TIV-2, the 2nd generation of the truck described above. It's built on a Dodge Ram truck chassis and has been plagued with problems since it was first built.
There's a writeup on it on wikipedia.
A few more from around the intrawebs
Here is an oddball...
My dad came across this at an autojumble, and for the price couldn't refuse it.
We have no idea what it is, or what it was!
The engine is made by Velox. A bit of research told us the engine was fabricated from 1898 to 1904.
If anyone knows what these engines were fitted in originally, please help us solve what it is!
Whatever, here are pictures!
I don't have any pictures of the whole car, and can;t really take any, since the car is in bits and in a bad place to get to!
Actually, it is a 1965 Barracuda. The 1966 has much more "square" body lines, in spite of being basically the same car. The rounded section of the '65 lower rear quarter panel, is flattened out on a '66. The '66 has an "eggcrate" style grill.
(Oops. My handle is showing)
A few from my "Ugly Kustoms" folder:
1: Either the results of a crash between a 57 Chevy and a 74 Nova or a case of extremely poor taste and two parts cars made into one.
2, 3, 4: This 66 Barracuda (well, that's what it started out as) seems to have a bad case of "Rococo mold" growing on it.
5: Apparently someone tried to build a TASCO replica from a 72 Riviera.
6: The builder should have continued collecting Hot Wheels cars instead of trying to duplicate one in 1:1 scale.
7: Another unfortunate consequence of inbreeding. 59 Caddy fins on a Mustang just don't work. The front isn't any better.
8: I just don't understand. Maybe there was more use of blotter acid in the 70s than I thought.
Ok. Thanks for the catch.
I actually don't mind that last one, and I'm sure we've seen it somewhere on AP before?
Definetely. :scratch:
It was one of mine PJ...a custom built Studebaker called 'Ufo' or something similar...I found a pic in a SIA magazine and other pics on Flickr.
Another pair
Four more (though one's not really a car) :)
I'm trying to work out what the last one is made of
The front looks like Mk1 Escort
The door are Austin Marina
The back could be Marina or Escort!
Not registered any more....
I'm trying to work out what the last one is made of
The front looks like Mk1 Escort
The door are Austin Marina
The back could be Marina or Escort!
The front looks like Ford Capri Mk I to me, doors and back are Morris Marina.
The strange thing is it looks like a nice job- until the sill extensions and front spoiler were added (which completely spoils it....)
Not only GIs wanted to sit in a closed car (
A VW Kübelwagen was modified in a similar way in postwar Austria:
I actually don't mind that last one, and I'm sure we've seen it somewhere on AP before?
Definetely. :scratch:
It was one of mine PJ...a custom built Studebaker called 'Ufo' or something similar...I found a pic in a SIA magazine and other pics on Flickr.
Found it!
I hadn't noticed Otto's last posts. Damn! They're great.
Thanks for reviving this topic!
Happy to oblige, podnuh.
If one can't afford a Lambo, Lambo doors are within anyone's reach, right ?
Great new pics, Otto! :applause:
While I know that the point of this thread is not to identify, but simply enjoy the cars...12 April (7).jpg is an early development stage of the Tribaker. It seems Studebaker-based mystery cars are popular as the meat in this thread's goulash.
An Austrian homebuilt tractor based on a Fiat 520:
A pig, some rabbits, some rabbit food, some go-fast home-built cars, and some junkyard dogs.
RE: The Volvo Pic.
"To style a Volvo is like putting make up (lipstick) on a pig".
You guys find amazing stuff for this topic !
For some of these pictures one might think that the builder only assembled this mongrel to make sure it would appear in Autopuzzles' Nice Anonymous Cars.
There's always more...
Couple snapped today at the newark kit car show....
Souvenir de Paris:
Wilma, did you and Pebbles hide the car on me again?
Today's delicious dozen:
But wait - there's more!
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A small batch from the NACWC patch
A modified 1924 Renault MT:
Anonymity - wherefore art thou?
Here I be!
A Fiat Multipla chainsaw. I wonder whether its builder used the saw to chop the car. ;)
A double-shot of anonymity
:drink: :hyper: :hail:
A few more to warm up a cold November morn
Thank you for those pics! This topic is too hilarious! :lmao:
Still more...
Ringing in the new year, in an anonymous way.
Poor Daimler:
Here we go again!
Some rustic, some racy, and some a little of both. :)
What's that you say - you want more? Well, OK.
Fine package here!
This one (which may not be so anonymous) is dedicated to Ray Therat !
More-or-less anonymous.
A Peugeot 304 in disguise:
Another Steve McQueen vehicle
Anonymous is as anonymous does.
An ancient and wild one:
You hear and you see, yet you do not believe, that there's always more.
The world is so BIG !
Rolling home
Ask and you shall receive it
Underneath the tree
Hearts & Flowers Karts & Power
A strange one:
Lurking by... :lurk:
I believe that this topic should be more suited to the "Featured imagery" board.
But, although I started it, it seems I can't move it there myself.
Excellent suggestion - done!
Moscow, May parade 1961.
Who knows this cool airplane-style designed bus?
A little bit off-topic, the Benz from Binz: ;D
Various states of mobility
Two months without an entry? Unacceptable!
I like the fake hovercraft #5 and especially the very special pickup(?) #6 :o
Cars 'n Trucks
And always that question: WHY ?
I really love those last ones :)
Especially the red Volvo Zombie is remarkable...
A new batch
The last one is a true VW-Porsche ;D
The last one is a true VW-Porsche ;D
Last one was going to be a puzzle in the near future...
Removed :)
Le petit prince
Nash Gordon
New batch
No room in Santa's bag for these gifts!
Nice, although the second one doesn't seem to be anonymous: ;)
New year, new anonymity
Here they come again, hmmm mmmm mmmm
A while back, I considered using 20 Jan Catch (6) as a puzzle, but I couldn't find any information about a Comet jet car.
Catch 8
Which car is the anonymous one - the tow car or the slab sided race car?
On second thoughts - both of them....
1937 Terraplane very coupée.
My car is sooo long.
Not quite a car, but too cute anyway.
I like that. Now I have a week off work and a standard petrol lawnmower.....
So this is what happens when the ability to build and modify cars falls into the wrong hands...
By the way, the third car under Reply #16 (Amsterdam) seems to be the same as this: (
And the last car under Reply #48 (Otto Puzzel) is this (and therefore not actually "anonymous"):'spare-car' ('spare-car')
Anyway, here's a modest contribution of my own. I saw this in a parking lot near an antique car show in Florida in 1997. (Unfortunately I didn't get a more complete picture of it).
Quite an eye you have!
I'll post the better picture in the "Diehlmobile" thread you mention.
Anonymous is as anonymous does.
Supposedly started as a Triumph Mayflower.
Austria 1939: a mobile saw unit... :D
Nice anonymous racing car - a Claas combine harvester. As you do.
A potpourri of petrol-powered putridity.
The BAT-baker and the shark truck get my nod as best of this bad bunch.
Ever thought of adding that final Porsche turbo touch to your Peugeot 203?
This Fiat 500 wanted to be a Renault 5 Turbo:
An early one:
Simca Aronde with Opel Senator 3.0 engine, very tasteful!
Wouldn't be too useful. the headlights would be too low for its size and the front end would look bloated because of so much plastic. Is there a thread for such Frankensteins on here?
Wouldn't be too useful. the headlights would be too low for its size and the front end would look bloated because of so much plastic. Is there a thread for such Frankensteins on here?
lt's not very practical ,but looks cool if those plastic are replaced by metal .Ordinary Patrol Y60 looks too "kind" as a big offroad.such Frankensteins are very interesting for me , l hope there could be a part for it.
Let's make it happen.
Yuejin NJ131 with Soviet indicators and badges taken off a FAW CA6440
Volvo 244 with unknown tail lights and Injection badge
Locally modified PAZ
ARO 244 lost its 4WD drivetrain
BAIC BJ80 modified as MB G-Class
Modified Toyota Coaster
Mitsubishi Pajero made unrecognizable
North Korea
We do have a thread for privately built Frankensteins:
Should I merge these two threads?
Should I merge these two threads?
Yeah that'd be more organized.
We do have a thread for privately built Frankensteins:
Should I merge these two threads?
hmm l don't mind but my craft "Hino Patrol" is only photoshop...seems a little different from those real built ones.
Accepted. I moved your post to General automotive again.
Time to revive this thread with a Stainless Steel Dragon Car based on a Volga GAZ-21:
Oh, das Gehryhaus in Düsseldorf!
Michael Fröhlich eben!