A few from my "Ugly Kustoms" folder:
1: Either the results of a crash between a 57 Chevy and a 74 Nova or a case of extremely poor taste and two parts cars made into one.
2, 3, 4: This 66 Barracuda (well, that's what it started out as) seems to have a bad case of "Rococo mold" growing on it.
5: Apparently someone tried to build a TASCO replica from a 72 Riviera.
6: The builder should have continued collecting Hot Wheels cars instead of trying to duplicate one in 1:1 scale.
7: Another unfortunate consequence of inbreeding. 59 Caddy fins on a Mustang just don't work. The front isn't any better.
8: I just don't understand. Maybe there was more use of blotter acid in the 70s than I thought.