MMMMMMhhuuhhhh. 356 Outlaw. So well done. I loved our 356SC, but I'd take this instead!
Saw one of these at a hot rod show in Grass Valley last year:
Cars of my youth:
A high school buddy's father had a Corvair Turbo Monza
When I lived in Indiana a neighbor had a 2+2 E-Type, not the most collectable, but fun nevertheless. I'm sure it was the only one in that small town.
In high school another friend to the family had a nearly identical M5. It's lic plate frame said "BFD an M5".
Again from high school. A Big Healy but with a 289. It's frame would twist so much that the front left wheel would lift off the ground.
And another from high school. Such fun!
I love THIS!
and this
I could NEVER do this my Audi
What happens with a car owned by someone with too much time, too much money and bad taste
A car that I always wanted a ride/drive in. I've only seen one in person.
And great people pictures!!!