He gives good read! Thanks for the compliment, Ultra. Faksta was great to work with. He knows more about Russian trucks than I know about Mustangs. Not as much as I know about MG's though!
The thing that really struck me while putting this together was how exactly the same the Russians are with their truck competition and Americans were in the '50s when the West Coast was a hot bed of supercharged MG-TD's pumping their little hearts out in every California village from San Diego to Eureka. I believe people like Phil Hill were part of that unruly mob.
Ya know, its true. We really ARE all brothers (and sisters, of course). For most of, the thing we want most in life is to be left the fuck alone by our government to enjoy the "purfuit of happineff". Just like it says in the constitution.
BTW, it occurs to me that a lot of your visitors come in the side door and straight to the forum, thus being denied the opportunity to partake of my daily drivel. Hmmmmmm