Author Topic: 2013 Auto Expo  (Read 1799 times)

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2013 Auto Expo
« on: January 25, 2013, 11:58:50 AM »
Every January the auto dealers in northern Utah (and some manufacturers' traveling circuses) trot out their shiny new stuff for a dog & pony show known as the Auto Expo.   :joker:

Last Friday, I put my photo vest on, clipped on a credential tag (it expired 2 years ago, but who's counting?) and got early (free) access to the exhibition hall for myself and a friend.  I handed my "associate" one of my Canons and I took another on a tripod and we proceeded to shoot up a buncha digital film.  I can afford that stuff. 

It wasn't just brand new cars, as a local collector/dealer brought out some of his collection.  He brought some unusual stuff:  A Nash-Healey, a Kaiser Traveler, a Kaiser Darin to name a few.  I've had a "nodding acquaintance" with the guy for years, but this was the first time I'd actually been able to visit with him.  He seemed very interested in what kind of shots I was getting and invited me into his "private corral" to get better shots (front-lit, rather than brutally back-lit) and it was, in all, a very enjoyable time.   :thumbsup:

I've put the photos on my web server: and I'll attach a few of samples here.  For those who saw the :hah: "Blonde Parking" sign in the "Humor" section...well, that was done at the same event.

First photo is the Nash Healey, then the Kaiser Darin and the last 2 are (to me) just plain mind-boggling.   :faint:  A BMW Mini done up in a 'General Lee" (Dukes of Hazzard) style.  Alec Issigonis must be spinning in his grave at about 7000 rpm from sheer incredulity.  Can't say as I'd blame him.   :headache:

Anyway, here are the the attachments:

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Re: 2013 Auto Expo
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 05:52:35 AM »

I just love this Kaiser Vagabond/Traveller!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 06:31:04 AM by grobmotorix »

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Re: 2013 Auto Expo
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 06:07:30 AM »
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