Following the same order:
1.- I am anxious to see if any puzzler solves Rust 2 becaus, at the moment, I will not invest more
time in it
2.- Rust 11, with the right handwheel not UK, not Italy must be French. Talbot France?
3.- Rust 15 Thank you Wendax, but it was not necessary to provoke any anger to other puzzlers because I asked if it was smaller or greater than 150 saying less there is no other alternative than 100.
4.- Rust 15 I do not think I can identify it. Is this mark identified on the network?
5.- Couple Rust 13 - Place E I see that you ask me something that if I do not find it exactly with the proper description I will not be possible to solve it. I do my analysis, which I hope this time I do not be counterproductive to me, being the k100 is supposed to be not destined to carry large loads, also the fact of having a special cabin and the rear wheels covered makes me think of a use of representation of the company as it could be a mobile laboratories or office of representation to the public being the semitrailer of type closed box and perhaps with windows. Is this idea correct?