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BMW M6 Cabriolet
« on: September 26, 2006, 01:16:08 PM »

Very few cars in today’s marketplace truly stir our souls, so when we finally come across one, we like to linger and enjoy the true decadence of it all.

The Mission: Review our favorite current body-style BMW.

Agent: 001

The Place: The south of France, Cote D’Azur.

The car: 2007 BMW M6 cabriolet

If you’ve been reading for any given time in the last few years, you know that although we are huge BMW fans, the latest generation of designs have left us shaking our heads.

Yes, Chris Bangle has changed the game and others are imitating his workmanship (Their bad if you ask us) in numerous models coming to market or already on the market.

And no, we’re not those old fuddy-duddies in the press (most of them) that are totally against change.

We not only like change, we are looking for RADICAL change in car designs and ideas.

But it has to be GOOD change.

Mercedes-Benz CLS/New S-Class…good change.

Toyota FJ cruiser…good change.

VW EOS….good change

Range rover…good change

BMW 7-Series/5-Series…BAD change.

Hopefully, you now understand where we’re coming from and how we truly feel.

So when we got the nod to go test the BMW M6 cabriolet, we were excited because the 6 is the one new design that is truly growing on us.

The first thing you notice about the 6-series when you see it is that is really different from everything that is out there today in the marketplace.

And that’s a good thing.

Because we’re tired of car designs like the SL, TT (even the new one), SC, XK, etc.

The 6-series is good different.

It also looks the most German of all of its competitors (Especially in Black/Black).

We already like the 645 and 650 ragtops so how could we not like the ‘M’ version?

If the 645 and 650 are just right, then the ‘M’ is a little too much.

But too much is definitely a good thing when it comes to M-cars.

We LOVE the wretched excess and endless power!!!

The Spies are NOTHING about political correctness and all about decadence!

You only live once, so you’d better make the most of it.

And BMW has, with the new M6 convertible.

‘Power to the people…a select few people’ should be the ad slogan.

No matter how fast or slow you’re going in the M6, way too much juice is ready at your beckon call.

And we’re a better society for it!

But our favorite attribute of this new rocket ship is the sound of the motor.

And what a sound it is!

It’s so sexy, it’s almost dirty!!!!

And it’s intoxicating…once you start driving it, you can’t get enough of that sound.


The SMG is a temperamental friend but not a deal breaker.

It’s not as easy to drive as a 911. The body is long and there are a few blind spots that let you know you’d better be paying attention…especially on the twisties.

But this baby will get you way more attention in public than a 911 and women REALLY dig men in this car!

Conclusion: The best 4 seat convertible you can buy for under $150k.

The good: Exclusivity, Sexy bod, wicked fast engine, engine note sound so sexual it’s almost pornographic, great with the top up or down, SMG, Full leather convertible top an option.

The bad: SMG

The ugly: SMG, a few blind spots with the top up, MPG (10.5 mpg under hard driving) rating- 4.8 stars (0 is worst, 5 is best)

Full Details-BMW M6 convertible

Here was our exact quote from our April 20, 2005 issue: ‘Of all the new BMW designs, we think the 6 convertible is the only one that will be worth remembering.’

And almost two years later we stand by that quote.

To enjoy the photos of the limited edition BMW M6 and some beautiful sights from the south of France, click the pics:

“Honi soit qui mal y pense”

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