Just some suggestions that may not be an exact match (pre-WWI tech development) but might be helpful anyway:
Found on Amazon:
Bosch Automotive Handbook (Society of Automotive Engineers)
How Cars Work (Tom Newton)
Side note about Amazon: I've found that there are many bargains available from used book sellers. I can't afford to pay full retail price for brand new books, so this gives me a way to add to my library without mortgaging my grandchildren.

I just picked up a book on Veteran cars; the "new" price was $192, but I found a used one in "good" condition (supposedly it has wear and tear on the dust jacket...big deal) for $2 plus $3.99 shipping. Unfortunately most used books don't qualify for "Prime" free shipping, but for $6 vs $192....well, I can live with that.

From my library:
Brighton Belles: A Celebration of Veteran Cars (David Burgess-Wise & Lord Montagu of Beaulieu)
The Fun of Old Cars (Stubenrauch)
The History of the Automobile (Multiple contributors...originally in Italian)
A History of Sports Cars (Georgano)
Motoring (Rolt)
Veteran and Vintage Cars (Roberts)
The Bosch Book of the Motor Car (John Day)
If you can read all of those, you should become an incurable gearhead (like me.) All you'd need is a couple of trips to the salt flats and you'll be hooked for life. I say that because of a little known disease called "Salt Fever" to which many people fall victim; there's no cure for it, only annual treatments administered on the salt flats. The attached photo (the side of a trailer that hauls a race car to the salt at least once a year) describes it well.
Good luck with your efforts to edify your knowledge. Ohh...lest I forget, this site is a great resource. As someone (I believe it was Allemano) wrote, "We've forgotten more about cars than you'll ever know." There's a lotta truth to that.