Authors: Dr. Dieter Günther, Robe de La Rive Box and Max Stoop
Published in 1992 by autovision-verlag, Hamburg, Gerrmany
ISBN 3-9802766-2-7
194 pages, hardbound. B&W and color photos
Though Autopuzzles proved that not all Swiss-built cars are included in this nice tome, but if someone is interested in Swiss motoring history, this is one of the books which is mandatory. (I'll introduce the other a bit later).
Both road-going and racecars are included. Prototypes, design studios, home-built cars (though not all of them

), coachbuilders and other specials are described in great detail.
You may know Sbarro, Felber or Monteverdi, but it's nice to see so many details on Ghia-Aigle, Graber, Albar et. al.
Max Stoop was a contributor to Automobil Revue (I believe a one-time editor as well, but I am not sure), while Rob de la Rive Box was a renowned motoring writer.