Author Topic: Gerlei-Kukla-dr. Lovász: Az Ikarus évszázados története  (Read 7472 times)

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Gerlei-Kukla-dr. Lovász: Az Ikarus évszázados története
« on: August 12, 2009, 03:10:09 PM »
Gerlei Tamás - Kukla László - dr. Lovász György: Az Ikarus évszázados története (The centuried history of Ikarus)
Maróti Könyvkereskedés és Könyvkiadó Kft. Budapest
ISBN 963 9005 85

« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 05:14:37 AM by Paul Jaray »

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Re: Gerlei-Kukla-dr. Lovász: Az Ikarus évszázados története
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 07:26:32 AM »
This is the 2nd, thoroughly updated edition which is recommended for fans of East European buses. It lists all production models and prototypes as well.

Unfortunately, as it is typical in Hungary (and I am sure in many other countries as well), the authors couldn't cooperate with László Finta, who designed the widely succesful Ikarus 200-series and who considers himself as the sole authoritive source on the early history of Ikarus.
Mr Finta spoke to the Uhri/Uhry family and holds a good chunk of the Ikarus archive as well
Uhri/Uhry was a coachbuilder family in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s and through various twists of history their company became one of the founding pillars of the Ikarus bus factory.
Mr Finta also published his own book on the history of Uhri company. Together the volumes provide invaluable assistance on this unknown side of the Hungarian automotive history. - Rare&Unique Vehicles magazine - detailed Hungarian motoring history (Hungarian language) - motoring museums' guide