Author Topic: Erik Eckermann: Auto und Karosserie  (Read 3997 times)

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Erik Eckermann: Auto und Karosserie
« on: June 23, 2013, 05:59:25 AM »
ISBN 978-3-658-01193-2
Springer Vieweg, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, 1913
848 pages, 1507 illustrations
Price: EUR 99

This book has been realised with the help of 76 contributors. It provides a comprehensive history of coachbuilding. There's a separate chapter for biographies of major German automotive designers and there's a directory of German coachbuilders, spanning 400 pages.

- comprehensive
- well-researched and offers further reading for many entries
- lots of pictures

- only carriages and passenger cars (no trucks, buses etc)
- silly format. This is a hardcover book, which looks like a technical, a scientific tome. But it is also a car history book. It looks strange - to me
- Only small and b&w photos. There's no color illustration at all. And even the best-looking cars are featured in tiny images. At the price at least a 10-page color selection would have been warmly welcomed.

All in all, highly recommended. I can get get a copy for about EUR 90, if you are interested
« Last Edit: October 16, 2013, 01:58:55 PM by Allemano » - Rare&Unique Vehicles magazine - detailed Hungarian motoring history (Hungarian language) - motoring museums' guide