Both correct. To be found on 'facebook'. A well earned point for you!

Please don't take it personally, but again, as so often happens, it's hard for me to refute, if a puzzle car can be found three times wrongly designated on the internet.
It strikes me more and more that this site helps more the well-connected Internet professionals to solve a puzzle, which is quite legitimate, than the real carmaniacs, who go to work empirically. This does not correspond to my interests at all, which is why I like to withdraw a little bit. I look forward to all of you, solving as many of my puzzles as soon as possible.
This is not an accusation, just a statement from observation. Please don't let anyone feel offended
Hint: Throw away all your old books and magazines, take your time on the net and collect car-related sites, as many as possible. Even if the information is not a in-depth one, but enough for collecting points