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To make it easier You need to find the base car
Quote from: del78 on November 12, 2019, 12:19:01 PMTo make it easier You need to find the base carBased on 126P?
This one?
You got it but.....Please find the name of the company which was intended to make this car
Quote from: del78 on November 13, 2019, 08:44:41 AMYou got it but.....Please find the name of the company which was intended to make this carI doubt anyone here would be so discourteous as to jump in now, but can I please have a lock?
Pojechałem więc do ośrodka rozwojowo-badawczego w fabryce Fiata w Bielsku-Białej - mówi. - Pokazałem im projekty. Byli zainteresowani, ale postawili warunki, które mi nie odpowiadały. Z pomocą członków koła automoto w łódzkich zakładach Elta zbudowałem więc SAM-a, jeżdżę nim do dziś.I went to the research and development center at the Fiat factory in Bielsko-Biała and showed them my project. They were interested, but they set conditions that did not suit me. So with the help of the members of the motorcycle club at the Elta plant in Łódź, I built SAM, and I still drive it today.