Le Hanneton by Jacques Riboud ?
(I can't see a lock for Djetset and the "minutes" are elapsed so I thought I might have a go at it)
I did not set a lock because I am trying to change some things at Autopuzzles...for example the hunt for points.
I am the 1st one who was after each and every point and I can't teach no-one about, but still I'd like more ...attention to other players.
If you have a doubt about, why don't you just wrote it that way?
Something like "I know the answer but don't know if I can have a go..."
Probably because if it was not you, there was another one right after you with the answer.
This is exactly the stressful feeling I'd like to avoid in my puzzles.
I know it's technically my fault, but I did not set a lock on purpose.
There were no locks before...they had to be introduced to avoid these situations, but we can apply some judgment ourselves to admit when a point is lost or is going to be lost soon.
I am not saying you did not earned your point (you play like no others and I like your style in getting close to the solution via different angles and a lot of questions) but sometimes we have to let them go...
Anyway point for you and for Djetset: I am sure he would have find it as well