I hadn't seen your post concerning your future actions on AP, until you provided the link. Personally I don't care if only a few regular Pros get all the points - it's only a game after all, and quite frankly it's only fair if the most knowledgeable members get a chance to solve the puzzles. It's not their "fault" that they know more than the others. I must admit it's frustrating when I spend some time searching for the answer, only to find that the "big guys" have already done it.
I will be sorry to see you leave the "solvers" but look forward to your new puzzles. I've only got 3 more points to go anyway, and then I'll have to solve the REALLY difficult puzzles, so I think I might join you in the "puzzle setters union".
PS. Sorry Bertrand. My apologies for continuing a conversation with PJ on your thread. It should have been done by PM, but at least this way other members can see how we both feel about the site.