I believe that they started production in 2009 with these.
The ACMAT ALTV (Airtransportable Vehicule Tactique Leger) is a new all-wheel drive pickup truck. This vehicle is intended for utility, reconnaissance and law enforcement applications. Some sources report that it is based on Nissan commercial pickup truck. The ALTV was revealed in 2009. Its production commenced during the same year. By 2014 more than 1 000 of these military vehicles have been sold to undisclosed customers.
All ACMAT vehicles are known for their simplicity, ruggedness, reliability and commonality of parts across their product range. The ACMAT produces inexpensive military vehicles mainly aimed at developing African and Asian countries. The ALTV is being proposed for both military and civil customers.
The ALTV light tactical vehicle is available with two-door (ALTV SC) or four-door (ALTV DC) cab. An open-cab version (ALTV Torpedo) for special forces is also available. Vehicle has a payload capacity of 1.3 - 1.4 t, depending on the version. A cargo area in the rear can be used to carry troops, cargo, shelters, standard ISO pallets. It is fitted with benches for the troop transportation. This light military vehicle can carry up to 10 men both in the cab and cargo area. Bars and canvas cover for the cargo area are optional. This military vehicle can be tailored to suit many roles.