Right you are Paul! O tempora o mores...
Thank you for your support...
I remember when we had a 'discussion': I kept saying that this was just a game and you were not so happy about.
Now I can say that I was wrong and I understand better what you meant.
It is a game, but sometimes you put time, energy, resources in it, making it a little more than 'just a game'.
In our situation, when you score a point in 1 week (if you are lucky), to see your efforts vanished because you typed (in a hurry) just all you remembered of the puzzle car but not the nickname of it, and see that you do not get the cigar because another puzzler, admitting it was too late, had the time to fill in more info it's frustrating.
I must confess I was sure that sixtee5cuda didn't see my reply.
Wendax, you did what we all do...add some more info on a puzzle you thought it was solved and of course you do not need any help to score. You did nothing against any rule...(you could have shared your opinion about this 'gift' but that's a small thing IMHO) and nor did the puzzler.
...that's why this is just an useless, meaningless post of a frustrated Pro puzzler...that would not feel better if he would get a point because of that.