A special produced by Ken Wallis. Powered by a straight eight made from two Austin Seven engines.
Crikey, I expected it to last longer than this! That photo isn't available on the internet. I'm not sure whether it had 2 engines - it certainly had 2 chassis joined together. It was Wallis' 3rd Austin 7 Special, built in 1938. This photo shows it in the hands of Ken Cotterell, who ran it for several years post-war, and is on the startline at the 3rd and last meeting at Fersfield in 1951. It is named as an Austin in the race programme, but the text with the photo refers to it as a Walbro.
You've solved it D-type! One more point nearer the purgatory of the Pros.
(PS I've just discovered it's a repost - Otto #522 in 2007. Can someone merge them?)