Players, numbers & scores:
Otto, you had 33 numbers, asked 4 times for a clue (-4), 8 times you got the wrong maker (-24) and 8 times you pass your number (-80).
Your 25 correctly identified numbers (+500) had a total of 58 models (+58).
An average 2,32 for each maker, best result was Kaiser-Willys with 11 models.
You beated your bad luck with your knowledge.
Pguillem in your 33 numbers, you look for a clue 9 times (-9), guess incorrectly 14 times (-42) and skip your number 11 times (-110).
Your 22 valid numbers (+440) had a total of 176 models (+176).
Average 8 model x maker, best results were Shelby (2) +58, and Rolls Royce of America (+45).
Not bad, you played with a hint of strategy but you tried each one and hit good ones.
Targhediferro with 41 numbers you never needed a clue and got it wrong 13 times (-39). You quit 13 numbers (-130).
Your 27 good numbers (+560) brought you 339 models (+339).
Average 12,5 model x maker thanks to just 2 best results: Bugatti (1) with 184 models and Minerva with 77.
You missed quite a number of good ones helping others but also took a couple of good ones thanks to others...a well balanced game, good mix of strategy, knowledge and luck.
D-type in 33 numbers just 2 clues (-2) and 16 wrong guesses (-58). You changed your number 16 times (-160).
With 17 valid guesses (+340) you got 815 models (+815).
Average 47,9 model x maker thanks to your 2 excellent shots: BMW (1) with 406 models and Maserati (+296).
You were nearly there and you used a simple strategy, try to spot good makers also consulting the list. Your luck and knowldege did the rest!
Wendax 45 numbers and 7 clues (-7) but only 6 wrong guesses (-18). You drop just 2 numbers (-20).
43 good numbers (+860) added to 187 models (+187) made you reach 1000.
Average 4,35 model x maker and just 3 numbers with nearly 30 models (ACME 1 +34, D'Ieteren 1 +29 and Spoerer +28).
You are the proof that you do not need luck if you have knowledge. You randomically picked up numbers after numbers, regardless of the list and reached your score. Teutonic!
Joao with 33 numbers and 7 clues (-7) you were wrong 9 times (-27). You skip 10 numbers (-10).
With just 23 good numbers (+460) and theyr 1256 models (+1256) you hit both goals.
Average 54,6 model x maker (but it was 89,7 considering also Lancia's +808!) and a couple of big hits: Renault (+619) and Ferrari (1) (+555).
You were hard to beat: mixing knowldege, strategy and just a hint of luck, you planned you victory.
Joao: 33 numbers, score: 1580
Wendax: 45 numbers, score: 1002
D-Type: 33 numbers, score: 945
Targhediferro: 41 numbers, score: 710
pguillem: 33 numbers, score: 455
Otto Puzzell: 33 numbers, score: 450
Arunas: 29 numbers, score: 556
Pnegyesi: 17 numbers, score: 246
Faksta: 13 numbers, score: 121
Allan L:8 numbers, score: 47
Ropat53: 2 numbers, score: 24
Tom_I: 2 numbers, score: 13
Only for you 6 players a special extension of the game: Post 3 numbers each, between 100 and 103200, I'll tell you just a model name and let's see what happens!
Can you find the makers?
+50 if you find it *,
-30 each one you skip,
-10 wrong guesses**,
-3 each clue you need.
You can have 5 clues, first I'll give you useless one, then,
when possible, more useful ones untill I'll try to help as much as I can.
No rules and no points here, just fun***!
*...but if you pick a maker already found by others (or by yourself) you'll receive 5, not 50.
(Why 5 and not 0? Because I won't make a list of all the makers already out and you should look back to check them all, so if it happens, you won't be too penalized.)**If you find the right name and the answer is correct but 'it's a matter of numbers' it means that the maker share its name with one or more others -Bugatti (1), Bugatti (2), etc..-.
In this case, your nearly right (or nearly wrong) answer will bring you -1.
***I won't be too 'professional' in this played before now it's my turn to play with you!
This part of my archive is quite rough and for my use only...don't be surprised if something is not like it should be, it's a long story.