I think it was simply called '1934 Frazer Nash'
The name refers to what it's a replica of rather than what the replica itself is called.
Also you need to check the spelling of the replica as it needs to be correct for the purposes of this puzzle!
Still locked for oswald.
Hmmm. I'm surprised that there's another name for it. I found an ad, an editorial piece and a mention of it in a guide and all of them call it the '1934 Frazer Nash', although one of them (correctly?) uses the hyphen in between Frazer and Nash, too. The name is also in the line of their other models, which are called '1931 Alfa Romeo'; '1927 Bugatti 35B' and '1930 Bentley Phaeton' and I guess there was a reason for calling them like that, because they weren't particularly identical looking to the cars they replicated!
I guess it could be 'A&CA 1934 Frazer Nash', referring to Antique & Classic Automotive, though..?