Carnut, I dont understand why you need to have another name which most probably incorrect and found in an unreliable or dezinforming website?
Its Cunninghma C7 concept with no production followup. Bob Lutz was behind the project but I have no idea what other alternative it could have other than this. Might be wrong info..
You don't need to understand. It's my puzzle and that's what I want - you can take part if you wish or ignore it if you wish!
I agree that Cunningham C7 concept is the right answer and I've already awarded a point for that, but this vehicle is also out there as something else.
That's part of the game and the other answer is there to be found; what's more it concerns a well-known and respected company.
Whoever finds it will get a point - it's as simple as that.
Here's a picture off the other site: