I checked another source. The pictured car is in fact a replica of the original.
After searching, I agree with you - replica, was built in 2007/2008:
Quote "After yet another first-place Panamericana win in 2007, two crashes and a complete overhaul and rebuild, the famous Mexican race car, the LT Special, made its comeback debut at the Jardin in San Miguel on Sunday, August 17, 2008
The LT Special—owned by Lerdo de Tejada, and built and maintained by Mats Hammarlund Racing here in San Miguel—is an exact replica of the only race car ever built in Mexico. The original car, built in the fifties and the only one of its kind in the world, is priceless and no longer races. But its clone has won La Carrera Panamericana a total of four times, including last year (2007), and the sleek red machine was given a hero’s welcome at the event at the Jardín."