The car pictured and from the official Tuscher sales brochure is a car built on an SS Jaguar chassis built between about sept 1936 and sept 1937 and were referred to as 1936 or 1937 model year cars with Jaguar bodywork it would have been the timber framed car. The car shown is of course the 2.5 litre model not the smaller 1.5 litre model
In October 1937 the new all steel bodied SS Jaguars were built and were referred to as 1938, 1939 or 1940 model year cars and tuscher did fit bodywork to these later chassis, at least one of which survives in Switzerland.
The body shape of the 1938/1939/1940 model year chassis cars is totally different.
I can supply the actual chassis numbers of each and every car built if required.
If you are taking info from "Les Metamorphoses du Jaguar" by Urban I supplied just on half the photos for this book and there are some inconsistencies in the text.
I am putting an extremely comprehensive book together on coach-built SS, SS Jaguar and Jaguar cars titled the "A to Z of Coach-built SS and Jaguars cars" it won't include backyard specials but only cars built be recognized coach-builders.
I am the author of several other books on jaguars
terry mcgrath