I would have to say that this was an unusual path to solution.
I have spent as much as 6-8 hours trying to ID vehicles on this Forum since last September and often start with the normal Google search if I do not feel I can find it in my reference library or on one of the sites I have bookmarked.
In both of nicanary's puzzles that I got today, I got a hit on the first search on Google.
Chevrolet pickup 1934 gave me the latest answer in about 45 seconds.
Woodie ProStreet gave me the first one in about the same amount of time.
In both cases, it helped to be a 73 year old Yank as I knew the base car in the case of the Chevy and I knew the type of racer base for the second car as well.
Interestingly enough, Minerva M-4 1934 as a search term also brought up the 1934 Chevrolet butcher's truck.
I have never before had this happen that I got it on the first search and to do it twice in a row is almost bizarre. BTW, I did the searches as soon as nicanary first posted the puzzle photos..
Sometimes you just get lucky with a little bit of base information.