Not sure exactly what you are looking for, and I haven't been able to locate anything detailed specifically about picture E (like where or when), but, since this is AutoPuzzles, I'm guessing that you are looking for how Egon Brütsch relates to cars.
Before he began designing houses in the late '50's, Egon Brütsch was a race car driver who contributed to the design of his own race cars in the late '40's. In the early and mid '50's he designed a series of several different models of micro cars, all using molded composite bodies consisting an upper and lower portion, the joint of which showed as a horizontal line around the vehicle. The car in the picture doesn't look like any of his several commercial designs that I have seen, but it does have the characteristic horizontal line, so I'm guessing that the car in the picture might be some sort of "proof of concept", or maybe an additional design specifically for children (perhaps his own).