Hi Ray:
Thanks very much for the advice!!
I don't want to get too technical here, lest I show off my almost total ignorance of all things computer wise, but here is what I have so far.
Due to the layout of my house, I have a PC in my upstairs office where I used to do a lot of "Store Business" in addition to hobby research. The PC is a mid price range HP running Windows 7 and is about 18 months old. Attached to that is a Seagate remote storage console that currently stores about 10% of it's capacity which is I think 400 MB, about 6,000 images. In that office, I have two large bookcases and two file cabinets full of photos and articles. This PC also is set up with DropBox and I have about 25,000 images and documents stored there, much of which is duplicated on the Seagate I think. The upstairs hallway outside that office has six good sized bookcases filled with automotive books of one type or another.
On the main floor, we have a full length winterized porch on the back of the house split 1/3 for me because I smoke, and 2/3 for Pat. Here, I have a Mac, one step below the "Pro" level, anyway, expensive. It was purchased at the same time as the HP. I just purchased another Seagate, this one with 3 TB of storage, more than I will ever use in a lifetime but it was on sale.
In this "office" I have one small bookcase, one 2 drawer filing cabinet with photos etc. and a desk with two file drawers.
At this desk, I am now setting up the older PC which I hope to dedicate to Autopuzzles.
Now that I have this older one up and running, I found that when I accessed Google Chrome, it imported all the bookmarks I had up to 18 months ago. Not in any organized way, apparently in order as I bookmarked them. Small problem as I had hoped to start fresh.
Same thing with DropBox, it is now a half hour into a four hour download of everything I already had on DropBox from the other two computers. At least the "My Pictures" and document files are still empty on this PC.
As to the Firewire thing, I think this is more for folk like you that download huge photo files etc. from external sources such as cameras and video cameras, something I do not do.
Sorry to go on so long and for probably boring the rest of the family but this is sort of where I am.
I can still get another Seagate pretty cheap and may do that tomorrow for this PC,
If I have missed anything or misunderstood anything, please let me know. There seems to be no "Computer Questions" section on this Forum so maybe it is better to PM me or Email me if we are getting too deep into stuff not to do with the mission of the Forum