Just to put some finishing touches on this one.
I had completely forgotten that buried in my library files I have the book "Osobni Automobily 1897-1972" by Karel Rosenkranz. This one of two books, the other on trucks and busses, that Rosenkranz authored that are histories of the Tatra brand cars and commercial/military vehicles. They are basically "photo books" with all images taken from the Tatra archives. Along with each book was a loose leaf bunch of sheets giving all the technical details of each specific Tatra model.
On page 179 and 180 of the book are two photos of almost identical "Sportovni Cabriolet Tatra 80 - Karoserie Sodomka". One photo is the exact same one as the quiz photo and the other had very minor variations including the paint scheme.
As this book was done in cooperation with Tatra and their archives, I would suggest it is most likely the definitive source and should verify the type and coachbuilder. Sadly, it did not give a year for either car but I have seen it identified elsewhere on enthusiast sites as a 1932. Hope that helps.
Thanks Bill - that put's a nice finishing touch on this one!
Also thanks for bringing to our attention the book by Karel Rosenkranz.
That looks as though it may well find its way on to my library shelves in the near future (if I can find a copy).