1. Thanks Ecnelis for the point.
2. Thanks Luciano for the backup. Always appreciated.
3. Thanks Gerd for the correction.
4. Finally, I think this reinforces the risk in using the web/internet as a source for accurate information. There are hundreds of thousands of "Enthusiastic Amateurs" on the web trying their best to put up accurate information but all too often the original source documents are in error.
My primary interest for 55 years has been wheeled military vehicles 1935-1945 and I have had to rely in many, many instances for information from official publications put out by the US Government, the UK Government etc. etc. What I found is that these official publications were often put together by "clerks" who had little idea of what they were doing. Thus, a Chevrolet would be captioned as a Ford and the other way around.
If we advance to the 21st Century, here in my state of residence, Georgia, USA, there are still people who, using internet sources, still insist that the South won our Civil War.
On the other hand, this Forum would not exist if it were not for the web/internet so I guess we should accept some occasional differences in what we find and what turns out to be totally accurate.
Enough philosophy for today.