These are the hints:
1: The names of this car and of the next one are the names of a son and his father.
2: The next car was built in the twin town of the city where this vehicle was built.
3: The place where this picture was taken sounds like the model name of the next car.
4: A dealer in this town sold all 52 cars that were built of the next car in the chain.
5: The manufacturer also built a vehicle that was based on the same car as the next vehicle.
6: This car's maker built another model that shared its model name with the next car.
7: This company's founder went to the same school as the famous photographer who took the picture of the next car.
8: These two cars shared their name and purpose, but were built on different continents.
9: In the town where this coachbuilder was located you can find the grave of a well-known musician who shares his name with the next car.
10: The next one in the chain shares the name, but is not a car.
11: These two cars share their country of origin, but not the number of their wheels.
12: While this car kept its two-stroke engine, the next vehicle changed to a four-stroke engine during its production time.
13: This car's name was mostly an abbreviation for two cities involved in its existence. In one of those cities the driver of the next car was born.
14: Part of the coachbuilder's name is the town where the next car in the chain was built.
15: This vehicle was built in the same town as the base of the next car.
16: This car's brand name shares three letters with the town where the next car was built.
17: Another car of this company was build under licence by the next vehicle's maker.
18: This car's company also built trucks, just like the company of the next vehicle which came from the same town.
19: This car's builder also constructed completely different vehicles. A museum especially for those machines can be found in the town where the next vehicle in the chain was built.
20: Although they share parts of their name, the two coachbuilders of these two cars split apart.
21: This car was built in the same building as the next one, but by a different company.
22: In this town you have to enter metro line 13 and leave it at the 12th station. The station's name will give you the customers of the next car.
23: These two cars share their diesel engine supplier.
24: This car was built in a town whose twin town was the birthplace of the next car's engineer.
25: A badge-engineered version of this car was the namesake of another car that was built at the company where the next vehicle in the chain came from.
26: The name of the town where this car was built will give the marque of the next car, but it has to be translated first.
27: The engine maker of these two vehicles had a name derived from a constructed language.
28: The most famous ride of this vehicle started in the town where the next car was built.
29: The small town where this car was built was de facto capital for four years, while the big city where the next car was built remained the de jure capital.
30: The production of this vehicle was continued after the initial company was taken over. The new company was taken over later on by another company who shares its name with the next vehicle's builder.
31: This car's body material was used on a later version of the next car.