I read it...
the ad says, more or less:
1948 Alfa Romeo 2500SS Gran Turismo, interior metallic grey, tires 80%, tuned engine, central fog lamp, recessed headlights, £1.200.000, Alfa Romeo, Agency in Belluno, Via Segato 8/10 , Belluno, Tel.6234.
This car was in original an open car, Silvano Poli presented it at the 'II Concorso Internazionale di Eleganza' in Venice and raced in the 1949-1950 Coppa delle Dolomiti. In 1951 it was modified in a coupe version to enter the less crowded Gran Turismo category and won the Coppa delle Dolomiti and the Vittorio Veneto-Cansiglio in this class that year.