I've found this:
Inventor and Innovator of 1980 № 9
The exhibition NTTM-80, held this summer at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR, the great interest aroused mikrogruzovik designed and constructed by young innovators of the MPR.
There were even three of these. Sand-colored, blue and red. Gathered at the station of young technicians Ulan Bator. Red exhibited in Dushanbe in early 1981. Bakelite plywood cabin. It was later donated to the Palace of Pioneers in Kabul at a boarding house and was exposed in 1982 as a needlework armless-legless Afghan school children mine victims. (Read and I was terrified of his cynicism - to children by the example of a self-made copy is returned to the faith in their own strength.) Blue copy has been transformed into a jeep-type Dyurokara (VW Durocar) Duroplast. I do not know his fate. Maybe it was a personal copy Trudovik. 13-year-old son of the military, who came to the service on our radar in 1984, the club boasted Quantum of his batyanya just made these subcompact trucks of chain saws and outboard motors. Machine with each exhibition dismantled carried in the baggage car. Bolted from the car out of the container all that was possible before loading: a common situation, the old club kartingisty of Quantum faced with such a time, so were not surprised his stories. The police stations have been quicker - even a hacksaw to cut away the carburetor for 10 minutes of parking the train! At each show car collected again - the engine and transmission were carrying in their backpacks and packed in cartons of 6 kururuznyh sticks winding-penny polietilenovmi bags. , as I recall no instance in one piece of ENEA did not return. Something the police or security guards necessarily screwed. In August 1982, the Kazakh delegation caught red-handed linear policemen at the station Sverdlovsk-Passenger at the time of unloading mini-tractors on display at the exhibition NTTM-82. But the purpose of removing the motor chainsaw Friendship and replacement parts from the parts of the GAZ-51 could not be determined.
Translated from Russian