I wonder which is right! I've found a couple of pages where it is the GIOM 02 so we'll settle for that one until someones says it's definitely wrong..
Here's an extract from my source:
The 1984 GIOM was a project by Peter Chudý and František Němec and was first exhibited on the expo "techical creativity of the youth". A skeleton of the Skoda 105 was used in combination with the engine of a Skoda 1000 MB and a 5-speed gearbox. Lots of parts of the Skoda 130 were also used. The aim of this car was to get good mileage, and it did about 4,5 litre of unleaded on 100 km. Basically a home-made car, only 1 was ever built.
So here's your point and this one is solved. Well done.