I was expecting your request, but I've lived out that part of the answer as there is a big discussion about the model's name to be applied to that car. Not an original picture of it from 1955 contains a name. In that year and in the same news paper, and same month (April) but with 8 days of difference appears a draft of a KAPI car with some similarity to that one with two different names: LUJO and SEDAN, in the second case also with the specification SEDAN 175 4T4R, that means 4 stroke engine (Fita AMC) 4 wheels and 175 c.c. In the same 2nd advertisement on says that it will be presented in the next "Feria de Barcelona" in June 1955.
Recently I had access to some documentation in hands of the descendants of he creator of KAPI (Capitán Federico Saldaña). The best one is a hand written "Sales book" (without pictures) of 1953-1955 in which at the end of 1955 appears 6 units of the model SEDAN. Also I've seen a picture with some authorities visiting the booth of KAPI in the "Feria" in it is possible to recognize part of the top of this car, but the picture only has, in its back, the reference "Feria Muestras 1955", no models name. So I consider that SEDAN is its correct model name.