I have a great story about Leesdorfer.
In 1904 (I can't reach my notes now) the plant equipment, parts etc. were bought by a Hungarian mill industry supplier, Podvinecz&Heisler. Podvinecz&Heisler also acquired a licence to the German Cudell Phoenix. At the 1905 Budapest Autoshow a Phoenix, put together by Podvinecz&Heisler was shown. And that's how the company's automobile career started.
At least what one can deduct from historical materials, contemporary press reports etc.
And then comes the surprise. The Royal Hungarian Automobile Club set out to celebrate its golden anniversary in 1925 with a Jubilee Book. Due to financial difficulties it was only published in 1930. Manuscript was more or less unchanged (now try to image the confusion when the book refers to something which happened "20 years ago"). This Jubilee Anniversary Book also features a picture of motorized omnibus, most probably a Leesdorfer with the caption "The first autobus in Budapest in 1901 (!) was supplied and assembled by the Podvinecz&Heisler company". There's no evidence whatsoever which could substantiate the claim, the P&H built any motorized vehicles in 1901 - first Leesdorfer-related reports appeared three years later.
Oh, how joyful is to research