Guesses have dropped off so it's time to change the rules slightly.
It will be 4 points per puzzler from 1700 hrs today UK time (1800 hrs Central European and 1200 hrs Eastern USA time).
A little explanation please. Does "It will be 4 points per puzzler" mean :
a) it will be 4 additional points per puzzler
b) it will be a total of 4 points per puzzler
You understand that I interpreted that new rule in a conservative way, considering your precedent messages, and that I have some answers in stock.
Based on pguillem comments, I hope I didn't misunderstand the new rules. If that's the case I will of course accept Carnut's decisions.
If you look at the initial post I amended it to say:
2 4 points per Puzzler for starters (changed as from 01/09), unless I give special dispensation. This avoids any one individual identifying everything."
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, but I thought I was; I didn't say anything about 4
more points, just that each puzzler could get 4 points. I've now amended my post so it is clearer.
However, most have interpreted correctly so I'll deal with the answers tomorrow when I get the time (most, but not all, are right). But Hiawatha - you'll have to remove 2 answers of your choice! Sorry.