Author Topic: Puzzle #378 - Solved! GM Martia  (Read 1589 times)

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Re: NEH 2370
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2013, 07:36:37 PM »
Thats most kind,but do I really deserve the point?

Offline Bill Murray

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Re: NEH 2370
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2013, 08:00:04 PM »
Gibbs, the point of the giving of the point or not giving the point is not really the point here, maybe.

You did all the heavy lifting on this puzzle, I only came in at the end and, as stated, I am not totally sure what Carnut is looking for.

I stumbled across a site, it had multiple photos of the same car and it was titled "X Car Project".  The print of the body of the article was not readable and I am not competent with Photoshop enough to enhance the article.

At my rather advanced age, and having been an "Identifier" of military soft skin vehicles on a number of Forums dealing with that subject since 1999 or so, I appreciate very much folk such as you that really dig deep for an answer.

That being said, I can positively identify 6 quiz questions that have had no responses so far in the Rookie section and if they bubble up to the Experts level with no other responses, I will descend on them like a hungry hawk.

I may be 72, almost 73, and I still am somewhat competitive but at the same time, I am not greedy and appreciate the efforts of all here.

Getting late for an old man.


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Re: NEH 2370
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2013, 08:08:19 PM »
I certainly understand you perfectly,thank you!

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Re: NEH 2370
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2013, 04:22:40 AM »
This is a game, guys, and the object is to HAVE FUN!
I'm happy to give you a point each, as kwgibbs identified the right car but Bill Murray has indeed come up with the project name I was looking for.

Well done both of you and thanks for taking part!
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Re: Solved - NEH 2370: GM X-car project "Martia 1" - 1933
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2013, 08:16:57 AM »
I thank you much,and I do have a great deal of fun trying to solve puzzles.

Offline Otto Puzzell

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Re: Solved - NEH 2370: GM X-car project "Martia 1" - 1933
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2013, 08:31:52 AM »
Nice work, all. Here's some background on the car and project.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 08:43:15 AM by Otto Puzzell »
You wanna be the man, you gotta Name That Car!

Offline Bill Murray

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Re: Solved - NEH 2370: GM X-car project "Martia 1" - 1933
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2013, 09:25:08 AM »
Thank you for the point Norman and thanks to OP for posting the article.  That was the one I was referring to but being a bit of a computer klutz, I could not get it over here.

As poorly as I phrased it in an earlier post, yes, this Forum is for fun!!!!

For me, so much so that yesterday I decided to pull out of storage a six year old PC that had been infected and then repaired and then retired.

It runs Windows XP Pro, which is still supported until April 2014 if Microsoft doesn't change it's mind due to so many users still out there.

In the repair, the hard drive was pretty much stripped bare, no documents left, no bookmarks etc. etc.  I purchased a new keyboard and mouse and got all that running yesterday. I had a spare brand new monitor and set that up as well.

It is my intention to devote this PC entirely to this Forum so that all future photos, documents etc. and all future bookmarks will be entirely related to the Forum.

It will take a while to build up a data base but hopefully if all goes well I can participate in a better way here.  My other computer's photo/data files have been moved from computer to computer so many times that the organization of the files is all messed up as each time I move them they lose their original Id and get assigned either a number or a file name and a number.

We shall see how it goes.


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Re: Solved - NEH 2370: GM X-car project "Martia 1" - 1933
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2013, 09:28:45 AM »
A great project and a very good way to spend your time Bill!
Interests in life:  Cars, cars, cars - oh and


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Re: Solved - NEH 2370: GM X-car project "Martia 1" - 1933
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2013, 12:21:26 PM »
A suggestion for ya, Bill:  Get a 1tb external hard drive and if ya don't have one, a Firewire 800 controller.  Use it to back up everything, particularly your car photos and other documentation.  Another suggestion:  Don't keep the photos in the "My Pictures" folder.  That can make 'em almost impossible to recover if you have a password and the processor croaks.  You can't put the drive in another computer and recover that folder without a lotta "hoop jumping."

Back to the Firewire, it's much faster than USB and if you have, like me, well over 100,000 images, just in my "Cars" folder, that speed is really appreciated.  I just checked and XP DOES support FW800.  You can get a Western Digital (the only kinda drives I trust, with the exception of SSDs) 1tb external FW800 (and USB) drive for $95 from Amazon.  That's a really good price.  I just found a Western Digital 4tb drive (the "black" or "high performance" line) for $300.  That's a frikkin steal, considering that you couldn't even get 'em a year ago.

Good luck with your reference files and archives.

Offline Bill Murray

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Re: Solved - NEH 2370: GM X-car project "Martia 1" - 1933
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2013, 05:36:29 PM »
Hi Ray:

Thanks very much for the advice!!

I don't want to get too technical here, lest I show off my almost total ignorance of all things computer wise, but here is what I have so far.

Due to the layout of my house, I have a PC in my upstairs office where I used to do a lot of "Store Business" in addition to hobby research.  The PC is a mid price range HP running Windows 7 and is about 18 months old.  Attached to that is a Seagate remote storage console that currently stores about 10% of it's capacity which is I think 400 MB, about 6,000 images.  In that office, I have two large bookcases and two file cabinets full of photos and articles.  This PC also is set up with DropBox and I have about 25,000 images and documents stored there, much of which is duplicated on the Seagate I think.  The upstairs hallway outside that office has six good sized bookcases filled with automotive books of one type or another.

On the main floor, we have a full length winterized porch on the back of the house split 1/3 for me because I smoke, and 2/3 for Pat.  Here, I have a Mac, one step below the "Pro" level, anyway, expensive.  It was purchased at the same time as the HP.  I just purchased another Seagate, this one with 3 TB of storage, more than I will ever use in a lifetime but it was on sale.

In this "office" I have one small bookcase, one 2 drawer filing cabinet with photos etc. and a desk with two file drawers.

At this desk, I am now setting up the older PC which I hope to dedicate to Autopuzzles.

Now that I have this older one up and running, I found that when I accessed Google Chrome, it imported all the bookmarks I had up to 18 months ago.  Not in any organized way, apparently in order as I bookmarked them.  Small problem as I had hoped to start fresh.

Same thing with DropBox, it is now a half hour into a four hour download of everything I already had on DropBox from the other two computers.  At least the "My Pictures" and document files are still empty on this PC.

As to the Firewire thing, I think this is more for folk like you that download huge photo files etc. from external sources such as cameras and video cameras, something I do not do.

Sorry to go on so long and for probably boring the rest of the family but this is sort of where I am.
I can still get another Seagate pretty cheap and may do that tomorrow for this PC,

If I have missed anything or misunderstood anything, please let me know.  There seems to be no "Computer Questions" section on this Forum so maybe it is better to PM me or Email me if we are getting too deep into stuff not to do with the mission of the Forum


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Re: Solved - NEH 2370: GM X-car project "Martia 1" - 1933
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2013, 08:45:41 AM »
Sorry for the crosstalk, but that is a great article. SIA was certainly in its prime when Mike Lamm was at the top of the masthead. Thanks for including it, Otto.

Offline Otto Puzzell

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Re: Puzzle #378 - Solved! GM Martia
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2013, 03:56:00 AM »
You wanna be the man, you gotta Name That Car!