'KHADI', 'KhADI' or 'KADI' all appear to be transliterations of ЛСА-ХАДИ the Russian abbreviation for the Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University. Various raing and record cars produced by students at the university have been named 'KHADI-#', 'KhADI-#' or 'KADI-#' where # is a serial number.
One website says that Vladimir Nikitin was in charge at the university when the K[h]adi-10 was developed in 1969 from the K[h]ADI-8 which was produced in 1967.
Another website credits L. Kokonov with design of the K[h]ADI-1 so I assumed he would have had an input to the K[h]ADI-8.
Perhaps one of our Russian members can clarify the linguistics issues