I ran across this on Google.se today
You have to look hard, but those are jeeps being converted by Karlaverken in Sweden just after the war ended, maybe 1947-8.
While I am here and with reference to Google.se, I will completely and totally make a fool of myself.
I have been using Google almost since it started. On this forum, it has been invaluable in trying to search out answers
to some very difficult questions.
It never occurred to me until yesterday that there was more than one Google. I thought
www.google.com was universal
and covered everything.
While researching a question on a Norwegian car here yesterday, I just happened on a reference to
www.google.no, no being
Norway. I got that on the screen and typed in the same search parameters as I had on
www.google.com and lo and behold,
up comes a completely different body of information.
Needless to say, I am working through my listing of the countries of the world, that I also got off of google, and bookmarking
www.google.wherever that comes up. I also printed off a 12 page listing from Vistawide.com that tells you how to
use your keyboard to type foreign language characters for a wide range of languages that is helpful to pin down more precise searches.
My wife now hates my computer more than ever and I am sitting here at the keyboard on our Thanksgiving Day while my son, son-in-law and
my two daughters are watching American football.
Amazing what I can still learn at 72 years of young.