Hehe, I typed in plastic cars 1949 Kurtis and the first image result was the puzzle car:
An engineering and manufacturing project which, if successful, may employ 1,k000 people is under way at the old Los Alamitos Augar Co. plant under direction of Curtis Wright, auto and light plane builder.
Several years ago, Wright built a roadable helicopter with folding rotor blades which he proposed to manufacture to fill the need for a car that would fly—or an airplane that could be driven on the highway. The helicopter now sits in the midst of automobile assembly lines as Wright prepares to manufacture3 a light motor car. Later, he said, he hopes to build a package “windmill” with separate motor to be attached to his three passenger coupe at the owner’s option.
But for the time being, Wright plans to manufacture a four-cylinder auto designed to carry up to six passengers, depending on the model. The car will sell for #1350 for picku7p truck to $1465 for the suburban sedan. Skeleton tooling for the car now is completed, dealers will have show models within a month and delivery of production models is promised within from 60 to 90 days, the manufacturer said.
So it is a 1949 Curtis Wright light car