Does this help, from Motormarques,com:
"Constructed in 1958 by John Bruderlin and Leon Thomas (Lynx) using a highly modified MG TC chassis, suspension and gearbox and a TF 1500 cc supercharged motor. The chassis then fitted with fibreglass open wheel body using the mould from the late Jimmy Johnson's TC Special. This mould being a shortened and widened version of the RMV Riley body of 1951. Four bodies were constructed. These were subsequently used on Bruderlin and Thomas TC specials -- originally built for hill climbs and sprints in which they were very successful. Two of the original cars were destroyed in late 1959. The third special competed as both a sports car (with aluminium cycle guards) and as a racing car. This Special passed into the hands of Bill Reynolds in 1960. It ran unsuccessfully in a number of road races in this period before being dismantled for a complete rebuild. It was sold in this state to Tim Shellshear in 1962 and, with the help of his brother, rebuilt and raced for the next three years, when it was sold again. The Special was dismantled again to effect another rebuild. It was sold in this state to M. H. Kennedy in 1967/68. Then, still dismantled, sold again to P.N.Redhead In 1970."
Is it the Jimmy Johnson/Len Cummine MG TC Special from 1952. It usually ran the race no. 103, but it has already been one of your puzzles