Could you explain how the compound name clue works here? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. First, I was looking for a hyphenated word. That seems not to be the case.
Then if I use your naming definition it would end up something like:
"what it can be used for": Eros (Greek root - I'm taking a bit of liberty here by using the noun form)
"what it kind of creates when it is looked at by the people": Mobile (Latin or "Old French")
If one were to use this car for "eros" I shudder to think...I don't even want to try for a mental image.
I guess if one were to reverse the order:
"what it kind of creates when it is looked at by the people": Eros (What it created in me was nausea)
"what it can be used for": Mobile (used for mobility? By looking at it? )
...well, mobile-eros (hyphen added only for readability) I guess that would sorta work.
I guess that "Eros-mobile" might also work, but it isn't the answer you were looking for.
Finally a google search for Erotomobile brings up the attached image and a whole lotta other stuff, but not this car. Again, I'm confused.
I'd appreciate any further explanation you could provide.