Note! Only one ID attempt per day, by AutoPuzzles member, is allowed in this puzzle. *
Multiple guesses with a 24 hour span will result in the second and subsequent guess being scrubbed, and you may be precluded from further participation in this puzzle. *
Once you post an ID attempt, you must wait 24 hours from the time stamp on that post until you make your next ID attempt. Now, on to the fun
I use to take a lot from books, now it's time to give some credits.
Here you are 39 books and 38 cars. I took 1 pic from each book but one.
You'll have to match them...some are quite easy, some others can be quite tricky, unless you have those books!
Only a complete answer will earn a point!
1 bonus point for the book that will be left out: ONLY IF YOU FIND IT BEFORE THE LAST BUT ONE MATCH.
1 bonus point for the reason of the title of this puzzle: ONLY WHEN ALL THE MATCHES HAVE BEEN FOUND.
(Thank you Otto