"Le Centaur", a 1950 Chrysler, believed created by Spohn in 1953, is once again the choices of the owner as to the final outcome, rather than any original design by Josef Eiwanger, Jr., chief of Spohn production and design. This owner (we do not know a name) wanted the frontal appearance of the GM 1951 Buick concept car called the XP-300, the tail fins of the 1951 GM Harley Earl Le Sabre, while maintaiining the original core 4 door sedan (saloon) body of the 1950 Chrysler rather than sportier coupe or cabriolet stlying.
The car was seen in the mid-1970s after a color change and post fender bender accident in an Arlington, Virginia, body repair facility where a curious visitor snapped the attached photos.