Author Topic: Solved - NEH 2219: Mercedes 300CE Custom by Muffato Nereu de Oliveira  (Read 1670 times)

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Re: Solved - NEH 2219: Riva one-off custom based on Mercedes 300CE
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2016, 04:07:40 AM »
OK, but according to Pal it was called the Riva Custom.  Clearly it's not THE Riva or the boat manufacturer but just the same name.  Is that info not correct though?
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Offline Paul Jaray

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Re: Solved - NEH 2219: Riva one-off custom based on Mercedes 300CE
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2016, 04:26:49 AM »
Ther car was for sale at Milano Autoclassica (Pananti auction) claimed to be built by Mario Borella, designed by Nereu Muffato, on Mercedes 320 CE basis.
The car is called "Velvet 3.2 CE (1994/2011)" and there are no trace of Riva in the description. The only names are carrozzeria Mira of Venice for the paint and Italfodere of Mestre for interors.

That info came from the plate on that pic.
The car is for sale in several sources now and the description is long and accurate. Riva is not the name of the car (that is Velvet). I'll post the automatic translation of its descritpion.
BTW, the rear and the side is not that bad after all and a good photographer can do miracles:

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Re: Solved - NEH 2219: Riva one-off custom based on Mercedes 300CE
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2016, 04:28:30 AM »
Velvet: Velluto!
Questo è il mio nome. Sono esattamente un Velluto: morbido, sinuoso, indefinito. Al tatto e alla vista trasmetto emozioni, sempre diverse; mia unica complice: la luce!
Come i migliori stilisti sanno creare sul corpo di ciascuno di noi abiti “unici” così, dalla mano e dalla fantasia di un Artista, sono nata io Velvet, unico esemplare al mondo!
La mia storia comincia nel 1994, quando dalle officine Mercedes, in Germania, esco vestita da Mercedes 320 CE
La Mercedes-Benz 320 CE è una coupé disegnata da Bruno Sacco, Joseph Gallitzendörfer e Peter Pfeiffer. Carrozzeria a 2 porte con motore anteriore che trasmette la potenza attraverso le ruote posteriori.
L’alimentazione è fornita da un doppio albero a camme in testa da 3,2 litri aspirato con 6 cilindri e una potenza di 217 CV che spingono la vettura ad una velocità massima di 235 chilometri all’ora.
Nel corso degli anni passo di mano in mano fino al 25 ottobre 2008 in cui passai nelle mani dell’imprenditore Mario Borella e fù amore a prima vista!
Il London Motor Museum, in Inghilterra, è il Museo che raccoglie il maggior numero di automobili al mondo, trasformate e rese Uniche! Durante la visita al Museo, nel 2011, l’imprenditore Mario Borella incontra l’ Artista Italobrasiliano Sig. Nereu Muffato de Oliveira i quali stringono subito una grande amicizia e, affascinati dalle “Opere” esposte al Museo, decidono di stravolgere la mia esistenza.
Durante i loro incontri si consolida la volontà di trasformarmi: un po’ Americana, un po’ retrò, un po’ futuristica, un cuore Tedesco, ma assolutamente sinuosa ed elegante come solo gli Italiani sanno fare.
L’ imprenditore Mario Borella attrezza subito a Dolo, in provincia di Venezia, un piccolo laboratorio – officina – carrozzeria e si occupa della direzione tecnica, la mano esperta dell’Artista Nereu Muffato dell’esecuzione materiale, il tutto supervisionato da un Ingegnere Tedesco, il quale, al termine della realizzazione, si è occupato di tutti gli schemi tecnici e della nuova omologazione.
Sono stata completamente demolita e ricostruita, internamente ed esternamente. Sono stati impiegati solo lamierati in acciaio ed alluminio, lavorati tutti a mano. Non esiste alcun pezzo di resina o materiale in p.v.c. Il mio cuore e il mio impianto elettrico sono stati completamente rigenerati. La verniciatura è stata affidata alla Carrozzeria Mira di Venezia, mentre tutti gli interni ed i rivestimenti in pelle sono stati affidati all’Azienda Italfodere di Mestre, in provincia di Venezia. Finalmente, dopo quasi due anni e migliaia di ore di sapiente lavoro artigianale, il 18 gennaio 2013 sono nuovamente in circolazione a km zero! Monto il collaudatissimo motore Mercedes da 3,2 litri, sospensioni pneumatiche a controllo elettronico, serrature elettriche senza maniglie, impianto DVD ad alta definizione anteriore e posteriore e un Look che lascia senza fiato!
Non faccio in tempo a presentarmi alla prima manifestazione che l’organizzazione di Miss Italia, nel Giugno 2013, a Jesolo, mi rapisce!
Oggi faccio parte di un’esclusiva e riservata collezione privata.

Velvet: Velvet!
This is my name. Exactly a velvet: soft, sinuous, undefined. To touch and sight transmit emotions, always different; My only accomplice: the light!
As the best designers know how to create the body of each of us "unique" outfits so, from the hand and from the imagination of an artist, I was born Velvet, the only one in the world!
My story begins in 1994, when the Mercedes factories, in Germany, I go out dressed as a Mercedes 320 CE
The Mercedes-Benz 320 CE is a coupé designed by Bruno Sacco, Joseph Gallitzendörfer and Peter Pfeiffer. Bodywork 2-door front engine which transmits power through the rear wheels.
Power is provided by a cam in 3.2 liter double head shaft aspirated with 6 cylinders and a power output of 217 hp that push the car to a maximum speed of 235 kilometers per hour.
Over the years, hand in hand step until 25 October 2008, in which I spent in the hands of the entrepreneur Mario Borella and fù love at first sight!
The London Motor Museum in England, is the Museum which contains the largest number of automobiles in the world, transformed and made Unique! During the visit to the Museum, in 2011, the entrepreneur Mario Borella meets the 'Artist Italobrasiliano Mr Muffato Nereu de Oliveira who huddle suffered a great friendship and, charmed by the "Works" on display at the museum, they decided to overturn my existence.
During their meetings consolidates the will to transform me: a little 'Americana, a little' retro, a little 'futuristic, a German heart, but absolutely sinuous and elegant as only the Italians know how to do.
L 'entrepreneur Mario Borella equips suffered in Dolo, in the province of Venice, a small workshop - the workshop - the body and is responsible for the technical direction, the expert hand of the Artist Nereu Muffato material execution, all overseen by a German Engineer, who, at the end of the realization, it was in charge of all the technical patterns and new approval.
It was completely demolished and rebuilt, internally and externally. only have been used in steel and aluminum sheet metal, machined all by hand. There is no piece of resin or material in p.v.c. My heart and my electrical system have been completely regenerated. The painting was entrusted to Carrozzeria Mira Venice, while all interior and leather upholstery have been entrusted to the Company Italfodere of Mestre, near Venice. Finally, after almost two years and thousands of hours of expert craftsmanship, January 18, 2013 are again in circulation at zero km! Monto the tried and tested 3.2-liter Mercedes engine, electronically controlled air suspension, electric locks without handles, DVD high-definition front and back and a look that leaves you breathless!
I do not have time to introduce the first demonstration that the organization of Miss Italy, in June 2013, in Jesolo, kidnaps me!
Today I am part of an exclusive and reserved private collection.

Nereu Muffato de Oliveira with his creation:
« Last Edit: May 05, 2016, 04:33:00 AM by Paul Jaray »

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Re: Solved - NEH 2219: Riva one-off custom based on Mercedes 300CE
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2016, 04:38:25 AM »
BTW, the rear and the side is not that bad after all and a good photographer can do miracles:


Why then does it say 'Riva' on the front; and Pal found an article about it in which it was called a Riva..
With cars like this it can be almost impossible to track down the truth.  Even whole articles can be based on wishful thinking.
There are plenty of instances where someone gets hold of a little-known one-off then claims it as his own, even writing its fictional history.
Perhaps that's what's happened here?

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Offline Paul Jaray

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Re: Solved - NEH 2219: Riva one-off custom based on Mercedes 300CE
« Reply #29 on: May 05, 2016, 06:13:10 AM »
This time I think the solution is pretty easy.
I do not know the article Pal found and I can't say anything about it but I wonder if it's an online article started by that picture.
The plate says Riva, but not only: that is actually Riva's logo. It means 1. It was built by Riva (the shipyard), or 2. Someone put there their logo there.
That logo can be seen just in that picture and then it was removed for good.
The info available from the seller's website (and not only) are full of details and honestly I can't see why they should made up it was designed by Muffato Nereu de Oliveira for Mario Borella to cover the involvement of a prestigious firm like Riva...

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Yes, well it's more likely someone was pretending it was by Riva!
Heading changed.
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