I gotta admit that the electric blue paint ameliorates some of the "OmyGawd!" affect that it had with the faded red. Nonetheless, it still has (in all likelihood) a 320" Dynaflash straight-8 (that's not the bad part) with a DynaFlush infinitely variable transmission with essentially one gear: "Horribly slow" that would give one the opportunity to light a cigarette as the traffic light turned green and have the cig smoked and put out in the ashtray before reaching the other side of the intersection. They weren't really what ya might call "performance transmissions."
There's another story about a guy using a 53 Buick (I had wonna them) as a taxi or limo of some sort and was so slow in the funeral cortege that a motorcycle cop pulled up alongside the driver and asked, "can't you move any faster?" The driver didn't even blink. He just responded with a straight face and said, "Yes sir, I could. However, company regulations prevent me from leaving the vehicle while it's moving."
Why, oh why GM didn't see fit to put the GMC 4-speed Hydromatic into the pre-61 Buicks instead of that planetary single speed thing in 'em escapes me. 'Course maybe it was built on another planet.

But if they'd done a decent 3- or 4-speed Auto in it, things might be a lot different today.